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March 3, 1944

Tribune: "Manila will have First Air Raid Drill after Wednesday."

"Tojo reaffirms faith in Victory" — every time they suffer a setback.

Bose: The Arakan "tragedy" was just a prelude to the expulsion of Britain from India. Mountbatten's armies "walked into a death-trap," and Churchill made himself the "laughing stock of the world."

Pre-screening advertisements of "Tear Down the Stars and Stripes" are out, only it's now called, "Dawn of Freedom."

The other day, a Japanese Army car hit a dokar with three passengers including Ray Johnston. The dokar tipped over and bystanders helped to extricate the passengers, including a child. According to Maurice, the Army car stopped, a smiling Japanese officer stepped out ... and proceeded first to check his front bumper for damage. What a contrast with Dawn of Freedom, where a Japanese officer saves a child hit by the car of a fleeing American officer. The reality is, the Japanese seldom stop; Japanese Army trucks, never.