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March 1, 1944

Tribune: "Larger Part of Enemy Unit Annihilated" — in Burma. The Japanese are now preparing for "new operations."

"Aircraft carrier believed sunk" — the one recently reported as damaged. It never even happened.

Commentator is on about Nimitz again. "The Japs obviously succeeded in hooking a huge tuna fish by throwing a tiny mackerel as bait" — Truk!

Maharajah has nothing better to do than to criticize a wedding where rice was thrown as the couple left the church — even if "haggard, emaciated and dirty" urchins swept it up.

News: Americans landed in the Admiralty Islands 700 miles from Truk — a pushover. MacArthur says 75,000 Japanese are trapped in the Bismarcks and Solomons. Mountbatten commended his troops on their first battle and victory under his command.