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February 27, 1944

Tribune: "Nationwide Food Drive on March 9" — the President's birthday.

"Trapped Foe Units Being Decimated" — in Burma. But the news is that the Japanese would be encirclement has definitely been busted.

Tabacalera had one million packs of Pagkakaisa [Togetherness] and waited for orders for a long time. The Japanese Navy came in and took half a million packs, paying the unheard of price of 6 centavos a pack. The Navy gives them to new arrivals and the Filipinos buy them back at P3.50. The current price here is P5.00 a pack.

At the Luisita Hacienda, in Tarlac, Central Luzon, it's a fact that guerrillas ambushed seven Japanese, killing five of them and seriously wounding the other two.

Dr. Alberto had to buy a new battery for his Pontiac Six. He paid P580 for a local one; a new Willard Battery would have cost him P2,800, more than the original cost of the car.