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February 17, 1944

Tribune Page 1: "Foe British Units Blasted at Maungdaw.... British-Indian Troops Facing Annihilation." But it's the Japanese who are getting decimated by dashing themselves against the Anglo-Indian troops. We've been told for days that the British 7th and 14th Divisions are trapped; now it's only "a large unit of the British 7th division."

Splashes, E.M., the Editorial and Maharajah take another crack at the Catholic Church. They want more local clergy and support for the current political situation.

Even Laurel was unable to do anything for the Elizaldes. Protesting that the Japanese cannot take Filipinos into custody without his government's knowledge, he demanded to know the reason for their detention. The Japanese answered: "We are investigating" — and left Laurel fuming. Incidentally, the Japanese also told the Spanish Consul: "We make the laws and we break them" — as if to say, so what?