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February 10, 1944

Tribune: "The bulk of the British troops in the Buthidaung sector have been trapped in a cordon formed by the Imperial Japanese forces." The reports — none from Daihon-ei — say they occupied Taung Bazar.

Splashes: "Are we entitled to speak of a rice shortage when it is so plentiful in the black market?" It is too, but who can afford it?

Captain Keizo Matsushima, chief of the press section of the Japanese Fleet in China waters, predicts that "the Imperial Japanese Navy will strike a staggering blow at the enemy 'with the swiftness of the wind' when the appropriate moment comes." The Japanese Navy are not "reckless enough to fall for such simple trickery" as being lured to the Marshalls. So where is the Japanese Navy hiding?

La Vanguardia: "Enemy not progressing in Marshalls." Read it and you wouldn't know the Americans had even taken one island.