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January 11, 1944

Tribune: "Rice distribution starts tomorrow." Each person can get 120 grams at 40 centavos per kilo. Community kitchens will be closed tomorrow, and free entry of rice into the city will be stopped on Saturday.

"52 more foe planes downed over Rabaul," including 19 "probables" out of 150 on January 9. Amazingly, they identified six different types of planes including Spitfires! The Japanese lost only two.

Food in Santo Tomas is becoming worse. At today's prices, only a few can still get it from the outside. Not all are sharing, leading to a few accusations of selfishness. English sailors from the Tantalus are among the most forlorn and hungry. The health of the internees is deteriorating. Some young girls seem to be unable to have their period — Dr. Whitacre from the Rockefeller Foundation is writing a book on it.