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December 19, 1943

Tribune: "11 enemy vessels sunk, damaged off New Britain ... 50 landing barges sunk ... Nippon Navy wild Eagles launched four successive attacks on enemy landing units — fierce land combat raging." Manilans don't believe the Japanese figures.

"98 more guerrillas from Cavite take Oath to Republic." They probably needed to rest a while.

"City guerrilla band on trial will be granted Amnesty. Thirteen members charged with sedition and multiple murder and on trial by Judge Paredes will be released." Victorio Magno Cruz, former Manila detective, led the group.

Thoughts of the Week from U Tun Pe, editor of the Burmese paper Bauna Khil: "If I were to be given a foreign assignment, I would choose Manila.... The people there are united to fight the Anglo-Americans. Wherever I went I saw propaganda on the walls urging the expulsion of the Anglo-Americans from East Asia and awakening the Filipinos to their Asian heritage." If we were united against the Anglo-Americans, the posters would be unnecessary.