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December 7, 1943

Sanvictores' first action is to ration coconuts. Due to transportation difficulties, the Neighborhood Association will distribute them on a family basis. In other words, a family of ten and a family of just two will receive the same one coconut a month — assuming it can be transported. As for our missing November rations of sugar, soap, lard and matches, they will be combined with December's rations — and no doubt we'll get less than two months' worth.

The American Red Cross supplies for Thanksgiving remain undistributed. The IRC's Swiss Ambassador to Japan, Paravicini, cabled Bessmer twice asking for details of the distribution. Bessmer knows the Japanese haven't distributed it yet, but isn't too anxious to demand an explanation. Three weeks ago the Japanese Military Police stepped in saying they'd have to work out a method to prevent the distribution from ending up in the markets. So far the matter is still under study.