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December 2, 1943

Another day, another two carriers claimed sunk — one instantly — in the fourth aerial battle off the Gilberts in the twilight of November 29.

Commentator is mad at the New York Times for asking how Halsey's fleet could be "annihilated" one week and yet start the Gilberts campaign the following week. He's mad at Stimson too for claiming that only five carrier planes were lost in the Gilberts. Commentator says that an earlier Rabaul raid, which claimed four Japanese destroyers, could not have been made without opposition from Japanese planes. "Impossible," he says, completely overlooking Japanese claims of sinking aircraft carriers galore without any apparent opposition from American planes. A friend says he wants Commentator's body after the war ... "so Science can study it."

A whole week will be designated as "P.I. Liberation Week." December 8 has been designated "Decisive War Song Day," and that evening has been designated "Greater East Asia Emancipation Commemoration Day Eve." The Constabulary Band will play the "Decisive War Song," and it has been decided that all Filipinos will be designated to be rejoicing.