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November 19, 1943

The following Box Score is printed in the Tribune and La Vanguardia:

Composite Results of Naval Battles off
Bougainville Island (Oct 7 — Nov 17)



Transports 3 7 5 15
Destroyers 3 9 12 24
Cruisers 7 8 12 27
Carriers 2 3 3 8
Battleships -- 4 2 6

Plus one unknown warship and over 40 landing barges sunk. Planes: 515 shot down, 16 destroyed. Japanese losses: 2 ships sunk, 2 slightly damaged, 118 planes shot down, 7 damaged.

"Nothing can stop East Asians, Laurel tells P.I. newsmen." It's a Tokyo dispatch by mail dated the 8th from press delegates Bautista and Icasiano: "It is a great and inspiring feeling to be with leaders of fellow Oriental nations, to know that you are with men who are your kind and equal — without any sense of inferiority or superiority." Laurel said they received very good treatment. They were put up in a mansion, and "hotel waiters" were engaged to "to look after everything we need." Laurel is quite naive if he thinks those were ordinary waiters.

Since the typhoon, prices of anything edible are up 15 to 33% downtown, and real food has easily doubled! Government employees and white-collar workers are having a tough time, not to mention the poor. Splashes: "Our failure to solve our economic problems is going to be our calamity and not somebody else's." So it's our entire fault!