a v a s c r i p t |
November 5, 1943
Philippine Delegation before Leaving for Tokyo
Tribune: "Seven Nations Taking Part in East Asia Congress" — Japan, China, Thailand, Manchukuo, Burma, and the Philippines, with Free India observing. Ours is the smallest delegation. A picture shows Laurel, Paredes and Recto looking self-important while Laurel Jr. looks ... blank. "Moscow Conference exposes Anglo-American Barbarism." Expecting a split, Commentator is angry about London, Washington and Moscow's simultaneous announcement to settle for nothing less than the unconditional surrender of Germany. The fourth and last article, which demands the transfer of the Nazi party members, and of the officers and men of the Wehrmacht, to the hostile nations to which they had been assigned ... can only be interpreted as cold-blooded revival of the brutal, unreasonable savagery of war in the ancient days, which justified the massacre of all the men and enslavement of all the women of the vanquished army. Tonight the Japanese announced an American landing in Bougainville by claiming fantastic enemy losses in planes (October 31 to November 5) and ships in a naval battle. Japan needed a victory for its Greater East Asia Congress, and so made one up. The U.S. communiqué is equally fantastic, but unlike the Japanese, they are advancing. News: Rabaul bombed again — 36 hours so far and it's not finished yet. A Japanese convoy arrived there from the Carolines just in time to be hit. The score: 105 Japanese planes shot down or destroyed on the ground; harbor and installations pretty well flattened; sixteen ships sunk and ten damaged for the loss of 19 American planes. |