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October 26, 1943

Tribune: "President Laurel Inducts Vargas as Envoy to Japan." He extols Vargas to the very skies, and Vargas extols him to the stratosphere. The Director-General extols Aquino to the heavens, and Aquino extols him back. On Page 2, Laurel extols the "mission of the press." Note he said mission and not freedom of the press.

"Recto recovers from illness." I understand it was a stomach ailment. "Probably indigestion," said Placido Mapa over lunch. Then with a twinkle in his eye, added: "Probably too much to digest all at once: Foreign Minister, Alliance pact...."

What's News? Tojo is said to have told the Diet that it's virtually impossible to reinforce positions in the Southwestern Pacific except by submarine. It won't be mentioned in the local papers — that's not their mission.

Ignacio Javier reported on Roosevelt's answer to Laurel. He had to say that America won't let us live in peace with the Japanese alliance pact. At least it's now well known that the Laurel government has been suitably rebuffed.