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Pg.1/3 October 22, 1943

Tribune: "Free Indian Government Formed.... Bose made head of provisional Indian administration" — another ambitious puppet but without a country. William Winters said he wouldn't be surprised to hear the Japanese created an American government in Tokyo and made honorable peace with it.

E.M. in "Our Today" on the Alliance Pact: "In plain language it means Nippon will fight in defense of our freedom, but we are not obliged to do so for her." Actually, it's almost the opposite. Since the Japanese are here, they will have to defend their bases and the Filipinos MUST help them under the guise of defending their independence. But wishing it doesn't mean they'll get it. They won't.

Surprise! "Mussolini recognizes Philippine Republic." Now it can be said the Filipinos are happy — else why those queer smiles?

It rained for five hours this morning until 1030. I got to town an hour later and went to the Astoria — too late for any business. I unfolded and read a smuggled note from Joe dated October 8. He received my letter but didn't mention he got the P100 I sent him. "The Japs are doing us right," he writes for the censor's benefit.

I have asked for a temporary release from my job as barracks leader as I have held the 'job' for eleven months, probably longer than anyone here. I am now in an officer's barracks since the first of this month. There is a Japanese movie company making pictures in our vicinity and for two days I was out about 20 kilometers from camp as one of the extras... They took several scenes and some of the men are still acting as extras... The work this month has been relatively light. Yes, I'd like to see this war end. 'And start again from the beginning, and never breathe a word about your loss,' as Kipling puts it. We'll work a lot harder and think nothing of it.