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October 8, 1943

Tribune Editorial: "By Divine Will ... October 14 shall henceforth be our eternal day, dear to 18,000,000 grateful hearts. Without being told to rejoice, joy shall come unbidden till it overflows our hearts" — Japanese hearts, that is.

Splashes: "It's like having Christmas and everybody's birthday all at once." The Scribe say's he's pleased the announcement was made on the first anniversary of his arrival here. Commentator: "Roosevelt, Quezon Confounded by Attainment of P.I. Freedom." All about Quezon being a traitor and the Filipinos should prosecute him. Sow the seeds of hate so you can reap a declaration of war.

La Vanguardia: "Another 1,000 surrender in Manila." It's getting to be a joke. I heard that one just wanted to get on the list for postwar prestige.