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September 30, 1943

Tribune: "1,000 Surrendered Guerrillas take Oath in City today." This brings the total of surrendered guerrillas in the city to 2,000 as early of this month. Sounds convincing? Most are not guerrillas but ex-USAFFE turned civilians to avoid becoming POWs. It's the old trick of fooling the left hand as to what the right hand is doing. The Japanese are good at playing one side against the other and vice-versa, Burma-Philippines, N.E.I.-Hongkong, one province against another, the city against the provinces.

"Overhaul of Philippine Educational System urged by NPCI graduates" [New Philippines Cultural Institute]. "They agreed that the educational system should be immediately revised and hope that the children would be educated so that they would not require rejuvenation."

La Vanguardia: "3,000 Guerrillas Surrender" — includes 500 Chinese (now I know it's baloney).

Another masked retreat: "The Anglo-Americans, after the Germans had moved to new positions, attacked on a front from Vietri to Pompeii, but were subjected to concentrated fire and were obliged to retreat. During this retreat, the Germans evacuated Castel San Giorgio, Baronnissi and Montero, after destroying all important military installations."