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September 27, 1943

Dr. Carlos is not dead after all.

At the library, I couldn't borrow ANY book on Sociology, History, Travel or Biography — all are "pending censorship." Fine independence we're going to have: We'll get searched four times a day; be at the mercy of any stool pigeon even if innocent; bombarded by ceaseless propaganda; harassed by racketeers....

The other day, a girl came up to a man and whispered in his ear. He blushed. She insisted. He shook his head. She pleaded. I passed by and heard, "Please ... how much do you want for your 60 horsepower motor?"

At the Astoria, two comely mestizas I know by sight asked to join my booth. "Mr. Brimo, do you know anyone selling a dokar and horse? I have a buyer...." The other girl unfolded a sheet of paper and said: "I have a requisition for a band saw, one-inch nails, copper tubing, truck tires...."