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September 14, 1943

The Military Police headquarters at Brixton Hill told our district President and leaders that they had 48 hours to cough up some 30 rifles reported to be in their district. After a diligent search, all the boys could come up with were fifteen toy pistols and rifles of the cork and string kind, which they actually turned in! Rejection followed and an impasse is at hand.

I was taking two cases of AƱejo Rum home (practically a gift from Santamaria and Machado) when some Constabulary shysters stopped me and asked a lot of senseless questions. Despite having all the answers and receipts, they decided to confiscate. So I paid off the inspector, a Bataan boy, who gave part of it to the Constabulary man. A lot of Manilans have been complaining about having to bribe the Japanese, the Constabulary, inspectors and leaders. It was my turn today.