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August 16, 1943

Little news today. In the late afternoon there was talk that Kharkov had fallen and Finland had sued for peace. Rumors are that the German Army no longer listens to Hitler; that Tojo committed hara-kiri or resigned, and Konoye refused to take his old job back.

La Salle soccer star, Emilio Heredia, who sells insurance for Insular Life, reports that business is brisk to the extent that policies have been limited to P20,000 and advance payments limited to 3 years. People seeking safe havens for their military currency are paying off their debts and buying life insurance.

Father Theo and Nene (Dr. Alberto) confirmed that there are 40 cases of cholera among the Japanese in Intramuros, with 15 deaths reported in the last 24 hours. The Japanese brought it here from Formosa, where an epidemic is raging.