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August 9, 1943

Three Japanese carriers are in Manila Bay. All morning, planes patrolled overhead while clipped-winged fighters were trucked from the pier to Nichols via the Boulevard. Another anti-aircraft gun near the Bay was mounted atop Casa Mañana, and we've all noticed that for five days now the usual work and lunch sirens for Port Area workers have been silent — probably reserved now for actual air raids.

La Vanguardia: "Drafting of the Constitution begins." At the Plenary session of August 7, the PCPI met to hear the reports of the various committees. That is, they met, heard, unanimously approved its provisions, and decided to begin drafting the Constitution — all in one meeting. In 1935 it took weeks or months of deliberations.

This morning I heard two peanut vendors discussing in undertones the fall of Munda. There's not a nook or cranny in Manila that doesn't get the news promptly. Of course, stupendous rumors also make the rounds.