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July 30, 1943

Signs of the Times: The Germans here have stopped using their Swastika emblems on their shirts or coat lapels. Now the Swiss are putting theirs on, so as not to be mistaken for Germans.

A German citizen was murdered yesterday in San Pablo — the news came in by long-distance telephone. Another German in Las Piñas wants to move out as it is too "lonely a place for a German to sleep." The Mayor of Pacor (Cavite side) was shot and killed. There was another shooting in Pandacan yesterday, the second victim closely connected with Duran. The Japanese kept the place sealed for 5-1/2 hours and arrested six unlucky persons carrying pistols.

A Constabulary soldier challenged a Japanese dancer going home late at night. Instead of stopping, she ran so he shot her in the leg. The soldier wasn't reprimanded.

A Neighborhood Association patroller challenged a man after midnight. "I am Japanese," replied the suspect in English.

"How do I know you really are?" countered the patroller unwisely.

What better proof could the Japanese offer but to slap the patroller! Stung, our man blew his whistle to summon the other two of his group, and the three of them beat the hell out of the suspect. The next day all four were hauled into Fort Santiago. The Neighborhood Association guys insisted they had the right to do it. "Yes," said the Japanese investigator finally, "but was it necessary to beat him up so badly?" The three were released the same day, but not the slapper.