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July 27, 1943

From yesterday's papers: "The Japanese are experts in wartime economics and the Filipinos are lucky to be under their guidance in this period when the law of supply and demand is thrown out of gear as far as prime commodities and other products is concerned." No doubt this article is offered in lieu of this month's rations.

As if in answer to the Tribune's false interview with Schaer, the Astoria had to begin rationing sugar to its clients today.

So how does Japanese propaganda handle Mussolini's exit? "It is believed in Rome that the change of government was due to the health condition of Il Duce who became ill recently." I might add that it was only "recently" that we kicked the Axis out of Africa and invaded Sicily.

Splashes: "The more that we learn that the Axis is not afraid to tell the truth of even bad news, the more we should trust the Axis." Well, the more the Japanese learn we get the correct news despite their best efforts, the less they're apt to fool themselves in trying to fool us.