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June 29, 1943

Tribune: "Japan united in resolution to win war, Guinto, Duran says" — each made the obligatory statement of how swell things are in Japan. Splashes talked about independence, The Scribe about the Americans not coming back, and The Commentator, in his eighth article to date, said there was no reason for Filipino regiments in California:

Mr. William Winters ... himself admitted that it will take from 40 to 50 years for the U.S. Army to come to the Philippines.... If the average age of the Filipino soldier is 20 at present, they would be 60 to 70 years old when they should finally reach the Philippines.

The rumor mill keeps grinding away: The Allies invaded Greece, Norway, Holland, and France. Meanwhile, just behind our house, a civilian was reported killed, one wounded, and another Japanese was killed in San Juan last night.