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June 22, 1943

Tribune: "Filipinos enthusiastic over prospect for early independence.... The 18 million people of the Philippines are now filled with the deepest joy and ecstasy" — as palpable a lie as I've ever heard. The author mentioned 200,000 people were at the Luneta Independence Parade — adding one zero too many. He moaned over the fate of General Valdes, President Quezon, Vice-president Osmeña, and Col. Carlos P. Romulo — it's an undeniable fact that they "deserted their beloved people," he said, and are now "compelled by President Roosevelt to carry out activities intended to arouse anti-Japanese feelings." Then a threat: "Especially pitiful is the case of Joaquin M. Elizalde.... Our sympathy for him becomes all the more heartfelt when we think of his old mother here."

A very prominent Chinese resident of this city, Vice President of the local Chinese Association Dr. Tee Han Kee was shot and killed two days ago. The story is being hushed up — none of the local dailies mentioned it.