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June 20, 1943

Tribune: "Preparatory Commission to be organized today." It's full speed ahead and the Filipinos are getting dizzy at the pace of events. No one dares oppose it; the Filipinos have no voice; their leaders are nothing but puppets.

Splashes: "Nippon can only give us the skeleton of freedom. It's up to us to furnish the flesh and blood." See? It's coming out. Maharajah, sensing the lack of Filipino enthusiasm for the current independence hokum, writes: "A man can find no enemy worse than himself: his doubts, his fears, his ignorance, his wild impulses, his defeatist attitude, his loss of self-confidence.... As with individuals, so with nations." Verily, Maharajah has aptly described the plight of the average Filipino and the whole country today, belying Japanese claims of gratitude, and joy.

FLASH: Another Japanese officer was killed in Santa Mesa last night. Going downtown this morning, the area, one block from the Rotonda, was roped off and all traffic was moved to the other side of the street.

Incidentally the true story of the killing of the previous Saturday night in Pureza: Two Japanese officers and one Filipino were eating at a bibingkeria [a small rice-cake store]. A Filipino entered and simply shot the two Japanese, killing one instantly and wounding the second, who died days later. The startled Filipino at the table stood up and got promptly shot in the arm. He can be seen now with a bandage on his arm and head. Apparently, his head met the butt end of the investigating officer's sword.