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June 18, 1943

As expected, the Japanese organized a "Freedom Rally" for tomorrow. Tribune: "P.I. Leaders Hail Nippon Pledge.... Filipinos urged to unite efforts.... Full collaboration with Japan pledged by Vargas and Aquino — people blocking independence denounced as traitors." That last angle is reinforced in the Editorial.

Splashes: "What about getting rid of the guerrillas within the year even if we are not asked to do so?" Brother, we've been asked countless times! Our Tomorrow: "Our coming independence is linked inseparably with the Greater East Asia war.... If we love independence, our integrity and honor demand that we collaborate with Nippon in bringing the war to its successful termination." Then realizing he went too far, he backpedals: "No, we are not prepared or strong enough to fight side-by-side with Nippon." But they would sure like to ask us for some kind of help later, no?