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June 4, 1943

The Tribune says Colonel Noble, together with Lt. Col. Moses and two other staff officers, were trapped by Japanese units and captured after a chase in the Cagayan Valley. "With the capture of their leader ... the guerrillas of Northern Luzon have been demoralized and consequently will have to disband themselves." There's no chance of that happening, but it's interesting that this wasn't termed a "surrender."

"P.I. Honors Admiral's Memory" [Yamamoto] — "State funeral for late navy chief June 5.... Vargas prohibits entertainments, music for one day" — not movies. Again, they had to get poor Vargas to do it.

Splashes: "Unless we make honest use of the ration tickets, the misuse may make authorities decide we are over-rationed." It seems that a Neighborhood Association leader was arrested selling a ration ticket for P20 — and he had 20 more in his pocket. It's Primco's fault: A family with four children gets the same 600 points as a family of six adults.