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May 23, 1943 — written on May 29

Trying some reverse psychology, the Scribe quotes a Japanese friend of his talking to some locals. "We Japanese trust and respect you Filipinos enough as neighbors to offer you independence, but frankly speaking, we don't trust you enough to ask you to fight for us." So the Scribe tells Filipinos to forget their worries of having to fight side by side with Japan. Then he gets silly: "It is a fact that the Japanese army and navy are as strong as they are because they are made up entirely of Japanese. They are not made up of Negroes, Indians, Australians and conglomerations." He forgot about the Nanking Chinese, Burmese, Thais, Formosans and Koreans.

A dull day at the hospital — I was hungry all day until Mrs. Nash came to the rescue at 2100 by reciprocating with a few ripe bananas. The weather kept most visitors away except for Maurice who drops in at least once a day. He's just fallen in love so he was useless as a source of news.