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May 10, 1943

Manila is abuzz with discussions again. The carrier and cruisers have gone, and 30 subs are now in the Bay, says one. Other reports say Pampanga is under martial law and guerrillas have taken Jaro near Iloilo. Internees in Santo Tomas will be moved to Los Baños, and rumors add that the Japanese will also take over the Assumption, Santa Escolastica and La Salle colleges to house their troops. Added to yet other reports, some feel the Japanese anticipate an invasion. Scratch one report: Theo Meyer says he checked the Bay from his home and counted 32 "small fishing vessels," not subs.

The Tribune on Los Baños: "Internees will enjoy fresh air, tranquil surroundings, splendid scenery, and ... ample land for farming." Not to mention malaria in the coming rainy season, isolation from friends, families and helpers in Manila, loss of amenities (their shacks have stoves, refrigerators and other conveniences), plus the fair crop of vegetables they've cultivated. Maybe food will be more available, but not medicines or milk for the children.

Felipe Manalang, ex-manager of the Philippine National Bank in Legaspi, donated P100 for the fighter campaign. With 16 others making token contributions, the total stands at P216.50. At this rate, they'll have their plane in 1990.