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April 27, 1943

"Humane Treatment of Guerrillas Urged" — Nagahama advises the Constabulary to "not fire on those who continue hiding in the mountains." Yes, leave the messy business of interrogation or punishment up to the Japanese who'll do it in secret. As someone told me recently, for every guerrillero who gets captured, is betrayed, or surrenders, another is ready to take his place.

Rumors have persisted for ten days that Aquino was shot during a Kalibapi speech at Imus near Cavite. Other reports have him in the Philippine General Hospital for a hemorrhoid operation. Finally, a guy said he got information straight from a doctor. The doctor said the operation took place, but it was also probably true that prior to checking in, there was an attempt on Aquino's life. Perhaps the assailant missed and Aquino decided to look after his health for a while.