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April 5, 1943

To get the news, I only have to sit in the Astoria until a friend joins me. We chat and laugh. Then he says, "Essen." A pause while we pretend to be busy eating or looking bored. Then: "21." That's it — 21 bombers lost in a bombing raid over Essen.

Only fanatic Axis nationals pay attention to the local papers. Many read them however to see how dumb Japanese propaganda can get, or what news lies hidden between the lines. For example, La Vanguardia writes about how many allied planes were shot down, and inadvertently reveals that France, Belgium, the Lowland countries, Essen, and Paris were bombed. If you had shortwave, you'd know too that Berlin was hit for the fourth day in a row.

Meat is disappearing from the markets. It's the same old story. Most people are hoping the Japanese don't limit the price of vegetables, lest they too become scarce.