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March 8, 1943

Hired a special carretela and brought my two radios to the Japanese Reconditioning Office. The place was in chaos with 150 radios of all types, including empty chassis. After a wait of 95 minutes, someone looked my radios over, took down my phone number, handed me some papers then pointed me to the testing room. The GE was marked "good — long and short"; the lousy Emerson wasn't. At a third place, each radio was painted with a white Japanese character. Finally, a fourth person pasted a paper with the particulars onto each set, and told me to return on Thursday, March 11.

The Japanese checked the papers of all European-looking people at Dewey Boulevard yesterday and at the Escolta this morning. Many were sent to Fort Santiago for questioning, including a Spanish lady without papers who fainted on being told. She obviously hadn't heard that Fort Santiago is now "the home of kindness and benevolence, the fountainhead of happiness and joy."