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February 15, 1943

Tribune: "Kalibapi Tour Opens Eyes of Ilocanos to Aims of New Order." Aquino, Osias, Francisco Ortega, Governor Tadiar, Laurel, Mitra and Jose Platter spoke in San Fernando and Baguio. Aquino "told his audience frankly that when he mounted the speakers' stand, he saw sadness in the faces of the people who seemed afraid to applaud.... 'It seems to me that you are dominated by fear,'" he said. (That wasn't sadness but shame, my boy.)

Viegelmann had an extra sourpuss face today. Anxious for news, the German Club pounced on the German captain of a tanker loading coconut oil in the Bay. He was last home four months ago. Said Wilhelmshaven got it bad — only one street was untouched by the bombing. The other cities were half-destroyed.