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February 3, 1943

Tribune: "Celebration Set for Tojo Speech ... Demonstration of gratitude to be held Monday ... Vargas forms celebration committee." The Filipinos would seem to be ten times more grateful to Japan than ever to America.

Japan "now rules the waves," according to the Tokyo Times. A navy spokesman in Washington called Japan's announcement of American losses "grossly exaggerated" and Japan's own losses "understatements." A fragment of what Shimada supposedly told the House of Peers:

Immediately after the torpedo was shot, the commanding plane was hit by enemy shells. Finding itself unable to return to its base, the commanding plane immediately dived and crashed itself into the bridge of the enemy battleship, thus sinking the enemy warship.

(The Germans should use this tactic to sink Gibraltar.) Incidentally, the Germans admitted a "violent Russian attack with superior forces" penetrated their lines in Stalingrad. In fact, it's all over.