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January 23, 1943

Registration of radio sets has been extended to February 15. I went to get my slip today — just in case. My radio goes in on March 8.

A story making the rounds says the Japanese asked Vargas to write to Confesor in Negros Island, promising good treatment and high posts if he surrendered and joined the government. A Mr. Ledesma was tasked to deliver the letter, and in due time returned with a package addressed to Vargas. Vargas opened it in the presence of three high-ranking Japanese officers to find inside ... an American apple!

Schaer appeared at his restaurant today, all bruised, red, swollen in the face and still deaf in one ear. Said they beat him for 40 minutes, and in between, made him bow and apologize many times just like Bishop Finnemann.

E.M. 'The Scribe' and the Tribune's Editorial today wax emotionally on the release of war prisoners through Japanese magnanimity, tolerance, benevolence, generosity, etc., etc.