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January 18, 1943, Monday

Coldest morning this winter; couldn't see Bataan or even the twin spires of San Sebastian. Cycling down Buenos Aires my teeth chattered. Judging from the exchange of meaningful looks, everyone knows the news is HOT. As William Winters told us in the South Pacific: "Just sit tight — and wait and see."

On Saturday night, the navy's oil and gas in the Port Area went up in a tremendous fire. The Japanese Navy cordoned the area off, refusing entry even to Japanese army officers. Theo Meyer said he saw flames "twice as high as the Manila Cathedral" just before midnight. A Japanese civilian stepped out into the adjoining balcony, shook his head and started muttering: Fire! No! No! Too bad! Too bad! Big loss! Big loss! Then he turned and saw Theo staring.

— "You ... you got gun?"

— "No."

— "No gun?"

— "No license; no gun."

— "Oh, too bad. You better get gun. Take my advice and get gun!"

Then he shook Theo's hand excitedly. "Well, good night." And back he went indoors, leaving Theo scratching his head.