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December 15, 1942

Starting tomorrow, curfew will be temporarily suspended for Misa de Gallo [Dawn Mass]. The Director of Religious Affairs urged the faithful to "show their gratitude for the unprecedented generosity of the Japanese Military Administration by properly conducting themselves" in public. And in what way do people going to Mass generally conduct themselves?

Manila girls have been wearing a lot of red, white and blue lately, even if only in the motif or shoulder stripes. The other day we sold some silk crepe with a pattern of a small blue eagle and three warships on a white background. "I'll have to wait a little," she said, "but it'll be worth it." One girl has a 'V' on each shoe. More typical are variations of a blue skirt, red blouse and white belt. The best of them all was a young Spanish girl I know who breezed in one day wearing a blue dress and a red blouse. She turned around sprightly like a model and said, "See? Patriotic." So I asked, "Where's the white?" She stamped her pretty little foot and snapped, "My skin, tonto!" [fool] — then left as I stood there slack-jawed.