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October 6, 1942

After getting a pass through the Japanese religious section of the military administration, Father Theo will take our medicines to Cabanatuan tomorrow. Three drivers refused to go — it's no man's land there. His former escort is also feeling "timid" about it. The chauffeur at St. Luke's Hospital will take him. The result of Father Theo's meeting with General Morimoto: the matter will be referred to Tokyo.

I attended another meeting at Bishop Binsted's where Father Greer presented a list of items wanted at the Bilibid prison camp — 450 mosquito nets, 1,000 sheets and towels, clothing, food and medicines. Some medicines are getting through via Father Greer's weekly visits, but the Japanese allow him to bring in only what can fit in a shoebox!

Heard many eyewitness reports of American prisoners marching south through Jones Bridge. They didn't look too good — and these were the healthier ones rumored to be on their way to work in Mindanao.