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September 21, 1942

Had a long chat with Swiss friend Theo Meyer (Philippine Refining Company) about Father Theo's journey to Cabanatuan. On the way up they heard about the execution of two Filipina girls caught carrying notes for the POWs. His companion, Mrs. Escoda, wanted to turn back but the priest prevailed on her to stick with him. He went straight to Col. Mori and explained, admitting that he too was carrying some money and notes for the prisoners.

Col. Mori asked for the notes saying, "It is absolutely forbidden." As for the money, there might be a way for getting the prisoners P50 per month but permission was required from General Morimoto. The Colonel kindly suggested leaving the money in the custody of the chaplain there — then took the letters and burned them! To think that I had written some news that could have cooked me. The medicines and canned food went through and Joe got my package. The priest said he looked well.

For the Father's meeting with the General, Theo Meyer got a bottle of White Label from Pirovano and I contributed a box of Alhambra Coronas. Meyer plans to start a collection for the POWs, but I'm pessimistic the Japanese will approve.