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July 14, 1942

Naric will investigate complaints about the rice rationing system. Apparently, some lists included ghosts. A few days ago we were warned that fake Naric inspectors were going around confiscating rice brought from the provinces and reselling it at exorbitant prices.

The rice rationing system was supposed to be organized in one day. The Camposes agreed to put us in their group, but when we sent our card over, they told us their list was complete — just like that. It was too late to join another group so we're out. We had intended to give our ration to Santo Tomas.

Now a quote on the speedy rebuilding of the Cavite naval base:

A harder task was to win over the Filipino workers who had been used to American ways. Japanese engineers and workers did not attempt to force Filipinos into working the same number of hours as they did. Instead they exerted efforts to get the message across ... that they should work for the sheer joy and satisfaction of building things. Their efforts succeeded and within two months, Filipinos were enthusiastically working around the clock, asking no extra pay.

When I read the last sentence to the boys they burst out laughing.