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May 27, 1942, Navy Day

Thirty-seven years ago today, Japan annihilated the Russian fleet. So today's papers feature Japanese navy propaganda rising to new heights of dizziness.

A Navy Spokesman said that although early Japanese victories "astounded the world, the outcome of the war still depends on events that are yet to take place." He says the sea battle that took place on the 8th was the first such battle between two carrier groups in the high seas.

Our inferior force emerged the victor, having sunk two of the most powerful American aircraft carriers and [annihilated] their planes.... The speed with which the remnant enemy ships fled in this battle was truly astounding.... If it should be necessary for us to do so, we are ready to prove the annihilation of the enemy in the Coral Sea, just as we have done it in the case of Pearl Harbor, but at the present moment find it more interesting to watch what Roosevelt & Company have to say and how these camouflage leaders will try to bamboozle their own people and the world. We can see how great is their consternation from the mere fact that they are now sending their last two remaining aircraft carriers ... to the south with the greatest haste.