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March 3, 1942

Jamming ruined last night's KGEI, BBC and VoF broadcasts though I did hear that the Japanese landed in Java and are trying to split the island in two. This morning we counted 41 fighters over Manila. La Vanguardia said 100 planes bombed Bataan while other planes hit the Visayas and Mindanao today. The total number of planes mentioned added up to 500.

A number of prominent persons including two judges were caught for antenna violations. The Military Police have already confiscated 25 radios. Fritz Wagner, Alfredo L. Guerrero, Mercedes McMicking, Luis Gomez Alvarez and T.J. Nabill were singled out for "special" attention.

The Tribune recently published a list of salaries of government officials — less than half of what they used to get. A policeman I spoke to said his salary was officially unchanged, but he's getting much less, "though the Japs promise to make up the difference later."

An American old-timer came to visit Dad, and they got around to reminiscing about their experiences during the Spanish-American War. The vanquished received excellent treatment; the soldiers were housed and fed until their return to Spain, and no Spaniard or Spanish corporation had their assets confiscated. Taft paid Spain $20-million for state properties, and $4-million went to the Vatican for theirs. Contrast that with the Japanese shutting down foreign firms and confiscating goods to the detriment of the entire population.