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March 1, 1942

The Japanese haven't mentioned ground fighting in Bataan for a week now but we're hearing a lot of truck and tank activity at night. Ten truckloads of troops headed for Cavite last night, and the bet is they will embark for an amphibious assault.

An indication of Japanese casualties can be gleamed from the goings on at the Sternberg Hospital. I've passed it at least ten times since December and it was always empty. Today the streets around it are blocked. Romiro, who can see it from Burgos Street, said he saw a stretcher case being removed from one of eight canvas-covered trucks there yesterday.

The German community is protesting again. One of their members was recently tied up and left in Rizal Avenue for a couple of hours for a traffic infraction. Another was arrested for selling the Japanese machinery misrepresented as new. Ernest Berg of the Red Star store tried to intercede and got arrested too. Pastori tells me the Japanese are not particularly fond of the Germans.

The VoF attacked Filipino quislings, naming Alejandro Roces (of TVT fame) and Ozamiz, and promised a day of vengeance for those "going out of their way" to aid or feast the Japanese. BBC and KGEI were blanked out last night, just when I wanted to hear about the U.S. raid on Wake and the Japanese efforts on the NEI.