a v a s c r i p t |
February 19, 1942
Some air activity today and much shelling of Bataan including from the Cavite area. Assemblyman Belmonte from Nueva Ecija is staying in Manila because "the province is bare of people and not safe." People fled to the mountains with their food, and are reluctant to return. Much rice remains unharvested, and the harvested but unthreshed rice will soon rot. We usually produce 45 million cavans and import another 5 million. The yield was good this season but a quarter of it may be lost. The Japanese are aware of this and are trying to do everything to return refugees here to the provinces while preventing others from coming to Manila. La Vanguardia published a list of monetary rewards for turning in arms, ammunition and scrap iron, or informing of its location. If you tell the Japanese where they can find a ton of scrap iron you get the princely sum of 50 centavos. Last month, one Augusto Guerrero informed the Japanese where they could find 9,000 cans of buried gas and oil, and thus got his picture in the paper. Rumor was he got P25 and was bumped-off long ago. Well, there's a picture of him in yesterday's paper denying he'd been shot: "As you can see, I'm alive, healthy and safe." (And reading a Japanese propaganda script.) ![]()
A picture of Propaganda Chief Lt. Col. T. Katsuya shows him reading a speech on KZRH about the implications of the fall of Singapore. He must've authored yesterday's Tribune article by the C-in-C. The old official holidays were suspended today pending revision — just in time to omit Washington's birthday on February 22. |