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February 6, 1942

Stilianopoulos told me a tale of the second day of occupation. A lone Japanese entered a house on his block and held up seven persons. After shooting a mirror to get everyone’s attention he collected two revolvers, three rings and a couple of watches. He left after demanding and getting P20 from each, then proceeded to another house. Someone alerted the Nippon Club, and they sent an officer and two sentries to investigate. The first house wouldn’t let them in but the second did, and pointed to the culprit as he left a fourth house. The officer quickly arrested him and personally slapped the hell out of the guy, tossing in a couple of kicks for good measure.

The next day another officer came to interview the victims but he was hard to understand. Asked what uniform the man wore the victim pointed to one of three soldiers strolling by who wore khaki shorts. To everyone’s horror the officer started to cuff the innocent soldier violently. The family did its best to stop him. Even the chauffeur pitched in though he went too far and received two sharp slaps for his pains. Finally, the officer understood and haughtily departed.