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January 31, 1942
dawn balloon
 "Dawn of New P.I." Balloon
 Hoisted by the Japanese Flies
 over the Heacock Building.

This afternoon, a hit-and-run truck threw Dad against a carromata and bicycle. Though 70 years old and bleeding profusely from a severe cut on his forehead, he stumbled 300-meters home unaided. Dr. Ayesa took him to the Singian Clinic for four stitches.

Standing in front of the store this morning, I observed a loaded Japanese truck park in front of a little store. Troops entered and commandeered 10 to 15 Philco radios (table models) in their original boxes — just like that.

I couldn’t get KGEI so tuned in to BBC for some depressing news. British forces left Malaya uncovered and retreated to Singapore for a final stand. The papers say the city is already facing a famine. Elsewhere, the Japanese seem to be slowing down; or maybe the holdouts in Bataan have upset their plans. Over here, more Japanese troops left Manila for the front, where we hope they’ll enjoy a peaceful and extended rest.