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January 10, 1942

The Japanese took J. M. Menzi to Villamor Hall for questioning, no doubt at the behest of the Gestapo. Aged and diabetic, he isn’t getting any insulin there. Paul Meyer finally got the call to go to Santo Tomas. Americans at large have been told to register before the 15th in unmistakable terms: “Come seek protection or else your act will be regarded as hostile and severely punished.”

The Japanese propaganda offensive opened up today with the following snippet in the last page of the Tribune:

USAFFE Forces at Bataan are retreating gradually.... The U.S. Forces, fearing constant Jap bombardment are taking shelter in churches knowing that the Jap forces would not bomb these structures.... The report further alleged that Filipino soldiers refusing to continue resistance against the Japs are being tied to trees and left to die from want of food.

At least the Tribune managed to squeeze in the word "alleged.” The Japanese also called for more “intimate intercourse between Catholic churches of Japan and Philippines.” “Japanese religious section calls on Cardinal O'Doherty” — with camera, of course. Well, they won’t get much satisfaction from him.

I was astonished to see some Japanese soldiers doing calisthenics. They take several steps back, a couple forward, then lunge with fixed bayonets to the accompanying shout of "Ha!" Meanwhile, the sergeant in front waves his rifle up-and-down from an uncomfortable place and marches a la Charlie Chaplin without advancing. The soldiers keep time to his beat — all very funny.