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December 23, 1941
Japanese heading for Lingayen
[National Museum of the Air Force]

La Vanguardia: “Furious Battles in Lingayen; 80,000 to 100,000 Japanese try to land; The USAFFE takes a position in Damortis.” The Lingayen coast turns up and heads north around Damortis. By landing north of there the Japanese may have sidestepped our strongest defenses at the expense of some maneuvering room. Amazingly, developments are considered “favorable.”

Early to the office and to the bank — an anxious morning spent waiting in vain for news. Pessimism reigns because we have no planes. The common joke here is that when you see one it’s ours; when you see many it’s theirs.

We had agreed to take in 2 to 4 Baguio evacuees, and prepared accordingly, but none showed up tonight. Naftaly called with the “hot” news that 54 Nippon transports have been sunk. “Baloney!” I said.