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December 15, 1941

Acourier from MacArthur’s HQ at Fort Santiago brought Joe his orders. He was to report to the Commanding General, Philippine Department, for duty with the South Luzon Force. I told him he was there already. According to the courier, Joe’s on the Adjutant General’s Staff of General Parker’s II Corps, stationed in Biñan, Laguna — between Batangas, a potential invasion target, and Manila.

Over lunch, 18 Japanese planes flew in very low under the clouds to make a single bomb run over Nichols. They started one fire — probably off target. With Kowloon taken, the bombardment of Hongkong Island has started. We can’t understand why the U.S. isn’t helping Wake and Midway.

Went shopping and bought a second bicycle: Japanese-made, lighter and with a better pedal action. The city was abuzz with the most preposterous of rumors even from people who should know better. One rumor says 500 Flying Fortresses have arrived. If anything, the few we have left are moving out of range. A number of people saw a hundred tanks including some M-3s arriving in Manila from the north and heading south at such a clip a bus couldn’t catch ‘em.